I like a good zombie, emphasis on good. What I don't like is a crap zombie movie. What I dislike even more is a crap sequel to the crap zombie movie. So with that in mind the trailer for Quarantine 2: Terminal is now online so I thought I'd share how utterly rubbish it looks.
The original Quarantine was a hollywood remake of the superb Spanish REC.
There has been a sequel to REC (It's over in the reviews if you want to know our thoughts on it) but Quarantine 2 is not a remake of it, its something all together different.
You've had Snakes On A Plane so why not Zombies on a plane. Yep, as crazy and insane as that sounds, that's what you've got here.
It's no surprise that it's going straight to DVD but just take a peak at the the trailer to see how bad it looks and see yet another reason why Hollywood refuses to respect any other countries original material.
Monday, 14 March 2011