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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Happy Birthday - Satipo
Satipo appears in the opening scene of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, as an assistant to Indiana Jones during his raid of a South American Indian tribe's booby-trapped sacred cave. Satipo's betrayal of Dr. Jones is quickly accounted for when he succumbs to one of the death traps of the cave while trying to escape with its archeaological prize .

Satipo was a Peruvian guide/thief, who in 1936, along with Barranca and several porters, helped guide Indiana Jones to the Hovito Idol cave. He and Barranca frequently hung out at Machete Landing in between expeditions.

He and Jones were the only members of the expedition to reach and enter the cave. After a fearful encounter with spiders, Satipo followed Jones in swinging across a pit on Indy's bullwhip. After Jones acquired the Chachapoyan Fertility Idol, the greedy Satipo betrayed him, stole the idol and left Jones to die. However, Jones chased after Satipo and when he finally reached him, he discovered that Satipo had been killed by a spike trap which protruded from a wall. Jones recovered the idol from his dead guide and continued to escape from the cave.

Actual Birthday: Alfred Molina


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