I'm a big advocator of foreign film and also approach any sort of English remake with a sense of dread. If I'm honest I often dismiss the idea before evening seeing anything of the remake.
I shouldn't and I'm trying not too but what is helping is the American remake of The Girl With Dragon Tattoo and the news that's coming from it.
I recently reviewed the original and gave it a full five star rating - that's how highly I thought of the film - and was pretty much convinced that the remake wouldn't come close.
Now after seeing the trailer and the bits of news that's been released my thoughts are changing from doubt, to expectation. So when I read what Daniel Craig thinks of the thing so far I was again pleasantly surprised.
He states
“It's not that he simply showed me footage that was horribly graphic,” Craig explains. “It was stuff that was happening, or had happened. And somehow you don't see it.
“There's more than one way to sense violence. Much more powerful ways than seeing it step-by-step. It's as adult as you can possibly make it.
“This is adult drama. I grew up, as we fucking all did, watching The Godfather and that, movies that were made for adults. And this is a $100 million R-rated movie. Nobody makes those anymore.”
Craig adds: “Fincher, he's not holding back. They've given him free rein. He showed me some scenes recently, and my hand was over my mouth, going, ‘Are you fucking serious?’”
This could be good and one of those rare occasions where the remake can stand next to original and hold its head up high.
Source of quotes: Total Film
Thursday, 7 July 2011