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Wednesday 6 July 2011

Pirates 5 Is On Its Way
I've not seen the latest Pirates Of The Caribbean movie but I have read several reviews and they've all seemed pretty disappointed by it. Has Cap'n Jack lost his sparkle?

Not if you work for Disney he hasn't as they've more or less got Johnny Depp to sign on for a fifth outing. Overkill anyone?

The critical reception for Pirates 4 may have been luke warm but the box office wasn't so naturally they're going to keep milking this cash cow until its completely drained.

It shouldn't come as a great surprise that there's going to be another film but I am slightly shocked that Depp seems to have signed on so quickly. It wasn't long ago he was talking about putting Cap'n Jack to bed but I suppose if you wave enough money at anyone they'll do what you like.

Depp used to choose projects that were edgy and interesting, now it seems he's happy to pick up the pay cheques. Shame.


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