As pre-production of the Total Recall remake chunders forward news has reached the world wide web (yes it's still going strong remarkably) that a short list of names are reading for the females roles.
Names that have been bounded around at the moment include Kate Bosworth and Diane Kruger (although Kruger's agent has said that she's opted out of the role but that doesn't mean much really) for the role of Lori, originally played by Sharon Stone.
The role of Melina, originally played by Rachel Ticotin, has a longer list including Eva Mendes, Paula Patton, Jessica Biel and Eva Green. If rumours are to be believed Eva Mendes is the favourite to land this part.
I still don't believe in this project and will remain firmly in the "It won't be as good as the Arnold film" camp until I see at least a trailer but you never know they might surprise me. When you've grown up with a film the remake undoubtedly will always have a lot to live up to, that's my excuse anyway.
As with anything associated with Arnold Strong, remakes or otherwise, we'll be keeping an eye on things and report as and when.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011