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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Bill & Ted 3
Keanu Reeves has been championing this for a while now with little hints here and there but more recently he's announced an actual script exists and there's a basic plot for Bill & Ted 3. Excellent!

Or not depending on your fondness for the two previous outings of the bodacious pair. I was always more a fan of Wayne and Garth than Bill and Ted, however that's not to say I didn't moderately enjoy their films.

Well back on track and here's the details Keanu let slip about the potential new film

“When we last got together, part of it was that Bill and Ted were supposed to have written the song that saved the world, and it hasn’t happened," he says.

“So they’ve now become kind of possessed by trying to do that. Then there’s an element of time and they have to go back.”

As I said, very basic and very flimsy in this narrators humble opinion. I'll be keeping an eye on this to see if anything more concrete is released.


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