This is something I really didn't see coming. The notorious Plan 9 from Outer Space remake is on it's way and even better, there's a half decent teaser trailer available!
Yowzers! Ed Wood's cult favourite, nearly always unfairly dubbed the worst film of all time, has been given a update and re-delivered to us a zombie movie for the now.
I've just found out about this and to be fair, for what it is, it doesn't look all that bad at all. Ed Wood's original was of course terrible, but terrible in a good way. It was what it was and gets a fairly bad rep, if you don't take it too seriously you have quite a lot of fun with it.
The remake looks to be more serious and it did make me jump a couple of times. One to defiantly keep an eye on.
Plan 9 Teaser Trailer from Darkstone Entertainment on Vimeo.
Friday, 25 March 2011