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Monday 21 March 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Trailer
Pirates Of The Caribbean. It's not so much that I dislike the franchise, it's just that I think it became far too bloated and convoluted.Killed by it's own success you might say.

So how have they tried to breath fresh and new life into proceedings? Unfortunately, judging by this latest trailer, it looks like they haven't done anything and decided to stick with what's gone before them. Now that's a shame.

There's huge potential for Captain Jack Sparrow but it seems they just want to keep sending him off on standard adventures and keep him doing the same thing, over and over and over and over again.

I may be doing the film a disservice by judging it purely on the trailers alone but I just can't help but feel that there will be nothing new or fresh about this. The whole lure of Sparrow's charm in the first film was that he was something new, enigmatic and original. The trouble now is, we've seen him so much, he's becoming rather one dimensional and dare I say it, annoying?

If your into big budget popcorn movies (and don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with that) then you'll probably love the look of this. Myself on the other hand will be happy to wait for this to land on Blu Ray.



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