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Friday 1 July 2011

Happy Birthday Dan Aykroyd
What a guy. I grew up with Dan Aykroyd films through my youth and came to really appreciate what he brought to comedy both in acting and writing.

He's 59 today so I thought I'd do something similar to Bruce Campbell and run down my top 5 Aykroyd films in a homage to the man. Enjoy.

So let's start with number 5, seems as good a place as any .....

5. Grosse Pointe Blank
A role that seemed to come out of the blue. Dan Aykroyd as a serious, dark hitman? Oh yes. It's a role that he nails, even with the very little screen time he gets, and it's a joy to see him doing something a little different yet still bringing that razor sharp comedic edge that only he can. It doesn't hurt that its also a fantastic film to boot.

4. The Great Outdoors
Love this film. It's a typically Sunday afternoon comedy film that always sits nicely with me. As the cocky, arrogant yuppie Roman Craig, Aykroyd gives the character a heart and more depth than what was probably down on the script. Other lesser actors would have folded and created a character more wooden and heartless. It's this unique charm and his chemistry with the brilliant John Candy that keeps this film ticking over.

3. Trading Places
Louis Winthorpe III. When your up against Eddie Murphy in top form it takes a strong actor not to be overwrought by his onslaught. Winthorpe is played pitch perfectly by Aykroyd moving from a spoilt, pompous ass to a man who can stand up on his own and fight the good fight. Murphy may get the best lines but it's Aykroyd who makes the better character.

2. The Blues Brothers
I remember watching this film and being blown away by it. The dialogue is razor sharp, the action is emphatic, the cameos are too numerous to mention and the music is pure, unadulterated quality. I don't think I'd seen anything like it before and for me it still has no equal. Aykroyd's chemistry with Belushi is electric and the comedic timing is out of this world. Honestly, if you've never seen this film rectify that now. Oh and remember, they're on a mission from God.

1. Ghostbusters
For those that know me, well you'll have been expecting this right from the start right? Ghostbusters is just one of my all time favourite films and in Ray Stantz, one of my favourite characters. I was always Ray when we played Ghostbusters as a kid and you know what, that was my choice. I loved his child like innocence, his excitement at the smallest thing (fireman's pole - no jokes please) and his allegiance to his fellow 'busters'. A truly great  film with a great cast and story. Number 1 all the way.

Special Mention - Driving Miss Daisy
Aykroyd got a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nod for his role as Boolie Werthan and although I don't rate the film very highly at all - in fact I think it's sentimental claptrap - he does deserve credit for going against the norm and pulling out a performance that caught the Academy's eye.

The One To Avoid - Blues Brothers 2000
Just what were they thinking? Who thought this was a good idea? There are no words to truly describe how ghastly and unpleasant this thing is. Okay the music is still good but that doesn't cover up the awfulness of everything else. The trailer gives you just a glimpse at the horror that you could endure for just over two hours. I will never get that time back and be unable to unwatch this thing but I can warn others. Which I will.



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