Now this looks good. This looks really good. Hey Everyone, come see how good this looks! Ok a tenuous Anchorman quote links to Paul Rudd's (Brian Fantana - keep up!) new movie Our Idiot Brother.
In what would appear to be a indie cousin of Little Miss Sunshine (yes it's by the same producers) and we have Rudd having a ball of a time as an ... *coughs* idiot stoner brother.
I like the look and feel of this and it did raise a few laughs along the way, which for a trailer is quite rare for me. It also boasts a really strong cast which includes Elizabeth Banks, Emily Mortimer, Zooey Deschanel and Steve Coogan.
I sometimes know when I watch a trailer if I'll immediately like the end product and with this I get that feeling. Take a looksie and see what you make of it.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011