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Monday, 11 July 2011

New Tintin Trailer
A fully fledged Tintin trailer is now online giving us a good luck at, well, everything really.

All the characters are given plenty of time, the plot is fully outlined and we get a better look at the mo-cap technology used to make the film.

I blogged a month or so back that I wasn't entirely sold on the idea and the style of the thing. This trailer does make me a little less apprehensive but at the moment I'm still not really sold on it.

I don't really know how to describe it but it just looks like dodgy, at times slow-paced animation. I know alot of money has been sunk into it, and they're using state of the art technology so why aren't I being blown away by it? why do I keep watching it and thinking that, at times, things seem very, very slow.

Maybe I'm nitpicking and not giving credit where credits due - The plot looks fantastic and the pace of the storytelling is fine - its just everyone seems to have .... dead eyes.

Take a look and let me know if I'm being overly critical.



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