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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Dark Knight Teaser Poster
There have been a few fake posters released for The Dark Knight Rises. Well a few is rather kind, the web has been awash with them, but now we get our first real official teaser.

Looks like Gotham is suffering big time as the buildings seem to be crumbling and giving way to a bat shaped skylight. Coooool.

As you'd expect there are no plot give-aways, no characters, just this shot of Gotham turning to ruins. Could this have something to do with the story or is it as simple as just a cool looking poster? Only time will tell I guess.

Not much more to be said really, I think everyone is looking forward to this as much as the next person, so we'll keep you updated as and when we get any more news.

Enjoy the poster - click to embiggen.



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