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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Captain Planet - The Movie
Captain Planet, he's our hero. Gunna take pollution down to zero. Ah if only kids. Well he didn't do so good in the cartoons so maybe he'll fare better in his own movie.

In what could possibly be a remake of Superman IV (seriously nobody wants that) Captain Planet looks to be heading to a cinema screen near you. Oi pick up your popcorn!

Captain Planet and those kids with the rings are being targeted but the producers of Transformers (good god it gets worse) in an effort to bring them to the big screen. Nothing concrete yet but if money talks than bullshit could indeed walk.

Can't say I'm that interested in this. Captain Planet was never one of my favourites as a kid and doubt there'll be much of an appetite for a seriously over-the-top do-gooder in this current superhero climate.

Now Bravestarr however ......


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