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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Bruce Campbell To Cameo In Evil Dead Remake
While it's good that we're going to see Bruce Campbell in another Evil Dead film, and the chances are that he will be playing Ash, there's some rather more disappointing news.

Diablo Cody has been hired to rewrite the script. Well that just takes away every ounce of enthusiasm (and there wasn't a great deal) I had about this project.

I've ranted before about Cody and how I don't rate her scripts or films so don't worry this isn't going to be another rant. I'm just so disappointed to hear this news.

The director, Frederico Alvarez had this to say:

"We are going to change the characters and some story details, while keeping the basic outline of friends who are beleaguered by demons in a cabin alone," he said, adding, "We're going to honor the original film along with the existing fans and hope to bring in a new audience as well."

Good luck with this mate, your going to need it.


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