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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Firefly: A Project
The internet is a powerful thing. It has helped bring back classics such as Family Guy and Futurama from Fox's canned pile. So now another small fire has been lit with Nathan Fillion the kindling. Yes Firefly could be brought back to screens, although the likely hood is probably a hundred to one, a hundred to one.

Nathan Fillion, who played Captain Mal Reynolds, has told Entrainment Weekly that if he won the lottery the first thing he would do is buy the rights to the Firefly TV series and bring it back to our screens.
After this (tongue in cheek) comment Twitter lit up and several of the shows producers all stated that they'd also drop everything to work on the project.

So there you have it, all we need to do is come up with approx $300 million dollars, donate it to Fillion and he'll do the rest. Told you it was a hundred to one shot. Maybe more.

I loved Firefly and according to the world wide web so do millions of others. It was another TV show inexcusably shunned by Fox to be replaced by generic family sit-com crap. If Family Guy and Futurama have taught us anything, its that we do have a voice and sometimes that voice can be heard. Whether the voices for Firefly are collective enough to be heard though is another matter all together.


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