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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Twixt Trailer
I tend to judge trailers with an immediate reaction. I'll either love them or hate them. There tends to be very little middle ground.

So watching the trailer for Twixt, brought to us by the man who made The Godfather I & II and Apocalypse Now, it pains me to really hate it.

It looks like straight to DVD fodder with performances that are clunky at best. I know Val Kilmer can be a difficult actor to like at times but why the hell does he look so bored throughout the trailer?

Everything just looks wrong to me and for Francis Ford Coppola to come up with this says a lot about where he is in his career at the moment.

Synopsis: A writer with a declining career arrives in a small town as part of his book tour and gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl. That night in a dream, he is approached by a mysterious young ghost named V. He’s unsure of her connection to the murder in the town, but is grateful for the story being handed to him. Ultimately he is led to the truth of the story, surprised to find that the ending has more to do with his own life than he could ever have anticipated.



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