I don't normally buy into any form of romantic comedy. I tend to find the characters annoying, self righteous and utterly unbelievable. We all know he/she will get the girl/boy in the end, so why do we sit through them?
Rom-Coms are strange, what other genre would you sit through when you already know the story, how the characters will develop and the ending. You wouldn't accept it in any other genre would you?
However, after watching the trailer for Crazy, Stupid, Love, I think I may have found a romantic comedy that I could actually like. Rather hypocritically of me the story, characters and ending would seem to be laid out for you but what differs for this is the cast.
Yes Steve Carrell is an a-typical comedy actor but Ryan Gosling? Julianne Moore? Kevin Bacon? That's a solid cast list for any movie right? Maybe I'm mellowing out and lowering my defences against this type of film but I seriously enjoyed the trailer. I even lol'd. I'm just glad nobody was around for that.
Check it out and see what you think.
Thursday, 7 April 2011