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Friday, 11 March 2011

Smurf Trailer
Oh dear. I knew this was going to bad but I had no idea just how bad it could be. The first trailer for the Smurfs new CGI outing has landed and, well, lets just say it doesn't look good.

The new Yogi Bear film hit new lows in live action meets CGI and was panned by more or less everyone who saw it. Yes that included the kids and the Smurfs could very well join Yogi in Movie Hell.

It doesn't take a genius to realise that when your making a movie for kids, parents or undoubtedly going to be involved and be with them in the cinema. So be creative and add humour and story lines that will appeal to adults. Pixar have this down to perfection, others, it seems, are happy with cheap slapstick and toilet humour.

I'm not going to say anything more on it, who knows, the children may love it, but for the parents that will have to sit through it, it may seem like the longest film ever made. Let me know what you think.



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