Firstly, let me offer my apologies. I have neglected you, my loyal readership, and have failed in my daily task of site updation. I'm afraid work commitments caused this but its no excuse, you deserve better and better you shall receive.
So I start with the new motion poster (I like these) for the Conan remake. by Crom it looks good.
Now I'm a fan of the original, that being said it starred Arnold so obviously I'm going to say that, and I also liked Conan The Destroyer but I realise I'm in the minority there. So will this new Conan bear any resemblance from the original two barbarian outings? Apparently not, they've gone for a more rough edged look and kept alot of the violence from the source material, which is surely a good thing?
I'm looking forward to this and hope they keep the scene where a drunken Conan punches a Camel (was it a camel?) out. Classic.
Poster below
Thursday, 3 March 2011