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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Man On a Ledge Trailer
Bit of an oddity this one. I'm not sure whether not to slap a spoiler alert on this post due to the content of the Man On A Ledge trailer. It does seem to give a lot away - so yeah - possible spoilers ahead.

There's a pretty decent cast on offer here, although Elizabeth Banks seems to be a little mis-cast in her role. Never-the-less this could be a decent little thriller.

Seems Sam Worthington is an escaped criminal who is intent on showing the world his innocence by standing on the ledge of a very tall building and threatening to jump. As you do.

Not to give too much away without you watching the trailer, but there appears to be plenty of twists, turns and double crossing to keep the average viewer hooked.

I'm not overly impressed with what I've seen so far, it all looks very predictable and cheesy, but then it could be a decent film if I'm in the right, mindless mood.

Check it out below - and remember, slight spoilers present.



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