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Friday, 15 July 2011

Hugo Trailer
The new trailer for Martin Scorsese's Hugo has just been released and what a change in direction and genre for the little man with the huge eyebrows.

A fantasy adventure filled with slapstick and magic? Goodfellas this certainly is not albeit it still looks rather good. Shouldn't be surprise, it is Scorsese after all.

I tend not to explain the trailers all that much, as it kind of gives something away from a first time viewing, but I do like to give my opinions on them. You may have noticed this before.

So what do I think? I think it looks very good. The trick for me seems to be the fact that he's made a children's movie that looks intelligent. Sure there's pratfalls but the overall thing seems to resonate a sort of grandeur and engagement that should play well with both kids and adults alike.

Check the trailer and let me know what you think.



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