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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Ed Norton For Bourne Legacy
At first I was dead set against another Bourne movie without Matt Damon. But then they went and cast Jeremy Renner and my apprehension diminished slightly.

Now, with news that Edward Norton is close to signing on to play the villain in Legacy, my worries are all but gone. Almost.

I still instinctively think that another Bourne movie is a bad idea however I'm getting a good vibe from all the news that being released around it at the moment.

They seem to be going for good, solid actors which leads me to believe that they are not taking this project lightly. This can only be a good thing since they're up against three of the greatest action films every made.

Norton is a class actor, he brings quality to any film he stars in, and potentially seeing him as a villain has really wetted my appetite.

I look forward to next bit of news from Legacy with baited breath.


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