We all know George Lucas is a greedy bastard. We all know he'll tarnish anything good he's created to get an extra buck (that's what Americans call money right?) out of it.
Well, just when you think he couldn't be more avaricious he goes and does something like this. Prepare to be appalled at the lack of humanity in the man.
There is a bar in New York called The Wicked Monk. The proprietor would appear to be a big film buff and regularly shows films such as A Clockwork Orange, Kill Bill and The Warriors for his punters. They appear to also encourage drinkers to dress up and get into the spirit of the things and in return the films are shown for free and you just have to pay for your drinks - a great idea I'm sure you'll agree.
Well it was a good idea until they decided to show all six Star Wars movies. And this is where Mr Lucas enters the story. Apparently he wasn't too happy about people watching his films for 'free' and instructed an immediate cease and desist order.
This event had been planned for months - Lucas apparently knew about it for some time - so when do you think they instructed the authorities to appear and cancel the showings? Right before the first film was about to be shown. Yes they let everyone go, get seated until they came and told everyone that they weren't allowed to watch the films. Classy stuff.
Just how much money does the guy want? Let them drink and watch the movies, Christ its because of these fans you are where you are, treat them with respect. Please.
Source: The Brooklyn Paper
Friday, 8 July 2011