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Monday, 7 February 2011

Stallone For Headshot
Sylvester Stallone gets older but his films get bigger and crazier. At 64 years of age you'd think he might slow down a bit, but not Sly, he's just signed on for another action thriller in the form of Headshot.

Stallone will play a hit-man who team up with a New York Cop to investigate a series of gruesome murders, leading all the way to Washington DC.
Its been described as a fast-paced actioner so expect more Expendable type mayhem along the way.

You have to hand it to Sly, he knows he's no spring chicken but is refusing to give up a genre that he so clearly loves and as long as it's believable and more importantly bankable, I'm sure he'll get a few more action roles before he has to hang up his Glock 17.

Headshot is due to start filming later this year so expect to see this hit cinemas early 2012.


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