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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Fletch To Return
As eighties comedies go, you really can't beat Fletch. Chevy Chase at his very best and for my money a role he never topped.

So its with great trepidation that I bring news that Warner Bros are looking to try and reboot Fletch yet again. You may remember a good few years back that Kevin Smith tried to get his own Fletch project up and running with Jason Lee or Ben Affleck set to star, but that fell through.
Then Bill Lawrence of Scrubs fame tried his idea with Zach Braff in the lead, but again it never really went anywhere.

So why try again? Well there's no clear reason behind it at the moment but due to Warner's 'rebooting' of their back catalogue (Lethal Weapon, The Dirty Dozen among others) it seems its the easy way to rake in some money from old material.

There's no cast, director or writers attached at the moment so things are pretty thin on the ground but who would you like to see taking on Chevy's best role? For me, it'd be Ryan Reynolds. He's basically a Chevy Chase clone! Oh and don't forget, charge it to the Underhills.


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