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Friday, 5 August 2011

The Sitter Red Band Trailer
Babysitting movies. Jeesh, where to start? Well they're shit, the children are obnoxious, the sitter learns to appreciate sickly, vomit inducing family values and the storyline predictable. Agreed? Agreed.

So the trailer for The Sitter just goes through the motions of the above right? Wrong MuthaFucker. This time it's a whole different story.

What a breath of fresh air this trailer brings to this particular type of genre. This type of film can only really be appreciated with a red band trailer, and boy does it bring it to life. Oh and the intro by Jonah Hill and the kids also works perfectly.

The plot synopsis is pretty bland - A comedy about a college student on suspension who is coaxed into babysitting the kids next door, though he is fully unprepared for the wild night ahead of him - but watch the trailer below to get a real feel for the film.

Don't fuck with me Rodrigo!



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