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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Original Opening To Superman Returns
I pretty much think Superman Returns sucked. It didn't do anything for me and to be perfectly honest I was pretty bored by the whole thing.

So when you find out that a crap film cut out a $10 Million opening sequence you start to wonder just how much money was wasted.

My thoughts, for what they're worth (which is nothing), is that if you give a film maker an unlimited budget it can hinder their thought process. It allows them to do anything, which in many cases they do, and tend to stop them trying and searching for alternatives.

Give a filmmaker a limited budget and they have to think more, they have to search for the right thing, not the most expensive within their limitless boundaries.

Bryan Singer gave us The Usual Suspects, he knows what you can do on a limited budget but with Superman I think he lost all perspective of that. This opening sequence is testament to that.

Check it out and I think you'll agree, it pretty much sucks.



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