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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Fast Five Trailer
Does anyone actually watch these movies anymore? Seriously, I'm asking because they have appeared to reach the fifth in the franchise and I didn't even know three or four existed. Hang on there was one set in Tokyo right? Oh I don't know.

For those that are interested in generic plot and car chases you'll probably enjoy the embedded trailer below, for me though it looks like one of the most boring films ever made.
Honestly! I nearly fell asleep just watching it!

Now I know I'll be chastised for speaking out of term against a 'car' movie and I know that there are some people who talk about cars as though they are the opposite sex, and disturbingly seem to believe that they actually are .... but god this looks like garbage.

That said don't think that just because I don't like the look of the thing it'll stop me posting it. I try to bring a selection from every genre out there and it'd be hypocritical of me to blank certain films. Mind you it still won't stop me slaying the thing though. Fayyakkakaaa!



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